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- Role of UHRF1 in de novo DNA methylation in oocytes and maintenance methylation in preimplantation embryos
Maenohara S, Unoki M, Toh H, Ohishi H, Sharif J, Koseki H and Sasaki H
PLoS Genet. 2017 Oct 4;13(10):e1007042. - Switching of dominant retrotransposon silencing strategies from posttranscriptional to transcriptional mechanisms during male germ-cell development in mice
Inoue K, Ichiyanagi K, Fukuda K, Glinka M and Sasaki H
PLoS Genet. 2017 Jul 27;13(7):e1006926. - In vitro expansion of mouse primordial germ cell-like cells recapitulates an epigenetic blank slate
Ohta H, Kurimoto K, Okamoto I, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Miyauchi H, Yamamoto T, Okuno Y, Hagiwara M, Shirane K, Sasaki H and Saitou M
EMBO J. 2017 Jul 3;36(13):1888-1907. - A simplified and efficient protocol for derivation and maintenance of high-quality mouse primed pluripotent stem cells using Wnt inhibition
Kondo M, Sugimoto M, Abe K
Current Protocol Protocols in Stem Cell Biology in press (2017) - Genome-wide DNA methylation sequencing revealed that miR-663a is a novel epimutation candidate in CIMP- high endometrial cancer
Yanokura M, Banno K, Adachi M, Aoki D, Abe K
Int J Oncol. 2017 Jun;50(6):1934-1946. - Hyper-reactive cloned mice generated by direct nuclear transfer of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells.
Kaminuma O, Katayama K, Inoue K, Saeki M, Nishimura T, Kitamura N, Shimo Y, Tofukuji S, Ishida S, Ogonuki N, Kamimura S, Oikawa M, Katoh S, Mori A, Shichijo M, Hiroi T, Ogura A.
EMBO Rep. 2017 Jun;18(6):885-893. - New insights into the role of Jmjd3 and Utx in axial skeletal formation in mice.
Naruse C, Shibata S, Tamura M, Kawaguchi T, Abe K, Sugihara K, Kato T, Nishiuchi T, Waianae S, Ikawa M, Asano M.
FASEB J. 2017 Jun;31(6):2252-2266. - Roles of MIWI, MILI, and PLD6 in small RNA regulation in mouse growing oocytes.
Kabayama Y, Toh H, Katanaya A, Sakurai T, Chuma S, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Saga Y, Nakano T and Sasaki H.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 May 19;45(9):5387-5398.
"PICK-UP TOPICS"(Japanese Article)
- The rodent-specific microRNA cluster within the Sfmbt2 gene is imprinted and essential for placental development.
Inoue K, Hirose M, Inoue H, Hatanaka Y, Honda A, Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Ogura A.
Cell Rep. 2017 May 2;19(5):949-956. - Reprogramming towards totipotency is greatly facilitated by synergistic effects of small molecules.
Miyamoto K, Tajima Y, Yoshida K, Oikawa M, Azuma R, Allen GE, Tsujikawa T, Tsukaguchi T, Bradshaw CR, Jullien J, Yamagata K, Matsumoto K, Anzai M, Imai H, Gurdon JB, Yamada M.
Biol Open. 2017 Apr 15;6(4):415-424. - Depletion of TFAP2E attenuates adriamycin-mediated apoptosis in human neuroblastoma cells.
Hoshi R, Watanabe Y, Ishizuka Y, Hirano T, Nagasaki Maeoka E, Yoshizawa S, Uekusa S, Kawashima H, Ohashi K, Sugito K, Fukuda N, Nagase H, Soma M. Ozaki T, Koshinaga T and Fujiwara K.
Oncol Rep. 2017 Apr;37(4):2459-2464. - Regulation of intestinal homeostasis by the ulcerative colitis-associated gene RNF186.
Fujimoto K, Kinoshita M, Tanaka H, Okuzaki D, Shimada Y, Kayama H, Okumura R, Furuta Y, Narazaki M, Tamura A, Hatakeyama S, Ikawa M, Tsuchiya K, Watanabe M, Kumanogoh A, Tsukita S, Takeda K.
Mucosal Immunol. 2017 Mar;10(2):446-459. - Effects of mild and severe vitamin B1 deficiencies on the meiotic maturation of mice oocytes.
Tsuji A, Nakamura T, Shibata K.
Nutr Metab Insights. 2017 Mar 15;10:1178638817693824. - The mechanics clarifying counterclockwise rotation in most IVF eggs in mice.
Ishimoto K, Ikawa M. & Okabe M.
Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 3;7:43456 - Discrimination of Stem Cell Status after Subjecting Cynomolgus Monkey Pluripotent Stem Cells to Naïve Conversion.
Honda A, Kawano Y, Izu H, Choijookhuu N, Honsho K, Nakamura T, Yabuta Y, Yamamoto T, Takashima Y, Hirose M, Sankai T, Hishikawa Y, Ogura A, Saitou M.
Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 28;7:45285. - Viable offspring after imaging of Ca2+ oscillations and visualization of the cortical reaction in mouse eggs.
Satouh Y, Nozawa K, Yamagata K, Fujimoto T, Ikawa M.
Biol Reprod. 2017 Mar 1;96(3):563-575. - Periostin Promotes Scar Formation through the Interaction between Pericytes and Infiltrating Monocytes/Macrophages after Spinal Cord Injury.
Yokota K, Kobayakawa K, Saito T, Hara M, Kijima K, Ohkawa Y, Harada A, Okazaki K, Ishihara K, Yoshida S, Kudo A, Iwamoto Y, Okada S.
Am J Pathol. 2017 Mar;187(3):639-653. - Gene Resistance to Transcriptional Reprogramming following Nuclear Transfer Is Directly Mediated by Multiple Chromatin-Repressive Pathways.
Jullien J, Vodnala M, Pasque V, Oikawa M, Miyamoto K, Allen G, David SA, Brochard V, Wang S, Bradshaw C, Koseki H, Sartorelli V, Beaujean N, Gurdon J.
Mol Cell. 2017 Mar 2;65(5):873-884.e8. - PCGF6-PRC1 suppresses premature differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by regulating germ cell-related genes.
Endoh M, Endo TA, Shinga J, Hayashi K, Farcas A, Ma KW, Ito S, Sharif J, Endoh T, Onaga N, Nakayama M, Ishikura T, Masui O, Kessler BM, Suda T, Ohara O, Okuda A, Klose RJ, Koseki H.
Elife. 2017 Mar 17;6. pii: e21064.
"PICK-UP TOPICS"(Japanese Article)
- A Novel method for the simultaneous identification of methylcytosine and hydroxymethylcytosine at a single base resolution.
Kawasaki Y, Kuroda Y, Suetake I, Tajima S, Ishino F, Kohda T.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Feb 28;45(4):e24. - CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing in wild-derived mice: generation of tamed wild-derived strains by mutation of the a (nonagouti) gene.
Hirose M, Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Matoba S, Hatanaka Y, Inoue K, Goto T, Kaneda H., Yamada I, Furuse T, Abe K, Uenoyama Y, Tsukamura H, Wakana S, Honda A, Ogura A.
Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 14;7:42476. doi: 10.1038/srep42476. - Structural analyses of the nucleosome complexes with human testis-specific histone variants, hTh2a and hTh2b.
Padavattan S, Thiruselvam V, Shinagawa T, Hasegawa K, Kumasaka T, Ishii S, Kumarevel T.
Biophys Chem. 2017 Feb;221:41-48. doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2016.11.013. - Expression analysis of the endogenous Zscan4 locus and its coding proteins in mouse ES cells and preimplantation embryos.
Ishiguro K, Nakatake Y, Chikazawa-Nohtomi N, Kimura H, Akiyama T, Oda M, Ko SBH, Ko MSH.
In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Anim. 2017 Feb;53(2):179-190. - Identification of the Doublesex protein binding sites that activate expression of lozenge in the female genital disc in Drosophila melanogaster.
Wagamitsu S, Takase D, Aoki F, Suzuki MG.
Mech Dev. 2017 Feb;143:26-31. - Factors associated with aberrant imprint methylation and oligozoospermia.
Kobayashi N, Miyauchi N, Tatsuta N, Kitamura A, Okae H, Hiura H, Sato A, Utsunomiya T, Yaegashi N, Nakai K, Arima T.
Sci Rep. 2017 Feb 10;7:42336. - Mutations in Japanese Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma Patients using Optimized Targeted NGS for Clinical Diagnosis.
Maru Y, Tanaka N, Ohira M, Itami M, Hippo Y and Nagase H.
Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Feb;144(2):377-383. - Drospirenone reduces inflammatory cytokines, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) expression in human endometriotic stromal cells.
Makabe T, Koga K, Miyashita M, Takeuchi A, Sue F, Taguchi A, Urata Y, Izumi G, Takamura M, Harada M, Hirata T, Hirota Y, Wada-Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Reprod Immunol. 2017 Feb;119:44-48. - Zscan4 is expressed specifically during late meiotic prophase in both spermatogenesis and oogenesis
Ishiguro K, Monti M, Akiyama T, Kimura H, Chikazawa-Nohtomi N, Sakota M, Sato S, Redi CA, Ko SBH, Ko MSH.
In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol. -Anim. 2017 Feb;53(2):167-178. - Testis-Specific Histone Variant H3t Gene Is Essential for Entry into Spermatogenesis.
Ueda J, Harada A, Urahama T, Machida S, Maehara K, Hada M, Makino Y, Nogami J, Horikoshi N, Osakabe A, Taguchi H, Tanaka H, Tachiwana H, Yao T, Yamada M, Iwamoto T, Isotani A, Ikawa M, Tachibana T, Okada Y, Kimura H, Ohkawa Y, Kurumizaka H, Yamagata K.
Cell Rep. 2017 Jan 17;18(3):593-600.
"PICK-UP TOPICS"(Japanese Article)
- Software updates in the Illumina HiSeq platform affect whole-genome bisulfite sequencing.
Toh H, Shirane K, Miura F, Kubo N, Ichiyanagi K, Hayashi K, Saitou M, Suyama M, Ito T, Sasaki H.
BMC Genomics. 2017 Jan 5;18(1):31. - Long non-coding RNA exchange during the oocyte-to-embryo transition in mice.
Karlic R. Ganesh S. Franke V, Svobodova E, Urbanova J, Suzuki Y, Aoki F, Vlahovicek K. Svoboda P.
DNA Res. 2017 Jan 13. pii: dsw058.[Epub ahead of print] - Mannose receptor is highly expressed by peritoneal dendritic cells in endometriosis.
Izumi G, Koga K, Takamura M, Makabe T, Nagai M, Urata Y, Harada M, Hirata T, Hirota Y, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Fertil Steril. 2017 Jan;107(1):167-173.e2. - Complementary Critical Functions of Zfy1 and Zfy2 in Mouse Spermatogenesis and Reproduction.
Nakasuji T, Ogonuki N, Chiba T, Kato T, Shiozawa K, Yamatoya K, Tanaka H, Kondo T, Miyado K, Miyasaka N, Kubota T, Ogura A, Asahara H.
PLoS Genet. 2017 Jan 23;13(1):e1006578. - Muscle-specific deletion of BDK amplifies loss of myofibrillar protein during protein undernutrition.
Ishikawa T., Kitaura Y., Kadota Y., Morishita Y., Ota M., Yamanaka F., Xu M., Ikawa M., Inoue N., Kawano F., Nakai N., Murakami T., Miura S., Hatazawa Y., Kamei Y., Shimomura Y.
Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 4;7:39825. - Conserved role of Ovo in germline development in mouse and Drosophila
Hayashi M, Shinozuka Y, Shigenobu S, Sato M, Sugimoto M, Ito S, Abe K, Kobayashi S
Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 6;7:40056 - Adeno-associated virus-mediated delivery of genes to mouse spermatogonial stem cells.
Watanabe S, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Ogonuki N, Matoba S, Ogura A, Shinohara T.
Biol Reprod. 2017 Jan 1;96(1):221-231. - Software updates in the Illumina HiSeq platform affect whole-genome bisulfite sequencing.
Toh H, Shirane K., Miura F, Kubo N, Ichiyanagi K, Hayashi K, Saitou M, Suyama M, Ito T & Sasaki H.
BMC Genomics. 2017 Jan 5;18(1):31. - Automated detection and tracking of cell clusters in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy images.
Chang YH, Yokota H, Abe K, Tang CT, Tsai MD
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2017 Jan;37(1):18-25. - A potential role for endoplasmic reticulum stress in progesterone deficiency in obese women.
Takahashi N, Harada M, Hirota Y, Zhao L, Azhary JM, Yoshino O, Izumi G, Hirata T, Koga K, Wada-Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Endocrinology. 2017 Jan 1;158(1):84-97.
- In Vitro Derivation and Propagation of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Activity from Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Ishikura Y, Yabuta Y, Ohta H, Hayashi K, Nakamura T, Okamoto I, Yamamoto T, Kurimoto K, Shirane K, Sasaki H, Saitou M.
Cell Rep. 2016 Dec 6;17(10):2789-2804.
- PRDM14 Drives OCT3/4 Recruitment via Active Demethylation in the Transition from Primed to Naive Pluripotency.
Okashita N, Suwa Y, Nishimura O, Sakashita N, Kadota M, Nagamatsu G, Kawaguchi M, Kashida H, Nakajima A, Tachibana M, Seki Y.
Stem Cell Reports.2016 Dec 13;7(6):1072-1086.
- Global Landscape and Regulatory Principles of DNA Methylation Reprogramming for Germ Cell Specification by Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Shirane K, Kurimoto K, Yabuta Y, Yamaji M, Satoh J, Ito S, Watanabe A, Hayashi K, Saitou M, Sasaki H.
Dev Cell. 2016 Oct 10;39(1):87-103.
- Sexual Fate Change of XX Germ Cells Caused by the Deletion of SMAD4 and STRA8 Independent of Somatic Sex Reprogramming.
Wu Q, Fukuda K, Kato Y, Zhou Z, Deng CX, Saga Y.
PLoS Biol. 2016 Sep 8;14(9):e1002553.
- The Luteinizing Hormone-Testosterone Pathway Regulates Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cell Self-Renewal by Suppressing WNT5A Expression in Sertoli Cells.
Tanaka T, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Lei Z, Rao CV, Shinohara T.
Stem Cell Reports. 2016 Aug 9;7(2):279-91.
- Nonrandom Germline Transmission of Mouse Spermatogonial Stem Cells.
Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Naoki H, Shinohara T.
Dev Cell. 2016 Aug 8;38(3):248-61.
- Piwi Modulates Chromatin Accessibility by Regulating Multiple Factors Including Histone H1 to Repress Transposons.
Iwasaki YW, Murano K, Ishizu H, Shibuya A, Iyoda Y, Siomi MC, Siomi H, Saito K.
Mol Cell.2016 Aug 4;63(3):408-19.
- Structural and functional insights into IZUMO1 recognition by JUNO in mammalian fertilization.
Kato K, Satouh Y, Nishimasu H, Kurabayashi A, Morita J, Fujihara Y, Oji A, Ishitani R, Ikawa M, Nureki O.
Nat Commun. 2016 Jul 15;7:12198.
- Genome engineering uncovers 54 evolutionarily conserved and testis-enriched genes that are not required for male fertility in mice.
Miyata H, Castaneda JM, Fujihara Y, Yu Z, Archambeault DR, Isotani A, Kiyozumi D, Kriseman ML, Mashiko D, Matsumura T, Matzuk RM, Mori M, Noda T, Oji A, Okabe M, Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen R, Ramirez-Solis R, Satouh Y, Zhang Q, Ikawa M, Matzuk MM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jul 12;113(28):7704-10.
- A potential role of endoplasmic reticulum stress in development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
Takahashi N, Harada M, Hirota Y, Zhao L, Yoshino O, Urata Y, Izumi G, Takamura M, Hirata T, Koga K, Wada-Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2016 Jun 15;428:161-9.
- Effects of 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 on endometriosis.
Miyashita M, Koga K, Izumi G, Sue F, Makabe T, Taguchi A, Nagai M, Urata Y, Takamura M, Harada M, Hirata T, Hirota Y, Wada-Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Jun;101(6):2371-9.
- Inheritance of a Nuclear PIWI from Pluripotent Stem Cells by Somatic Descendants Ensures Differentiation by Silencing Transposons in Planarian.
Shibata N, Kashima M, Ishiko T, Nishimura O, Rouhana L, Misaki K, Yonemura S, Saito K, Siomi H, Siomi MC, Agata K.
Dev Cell. 2016 May 9;37(3):226-37.
- The Mg2+ transporter CNNM4 regulates sperm Ca2+ homeostasis and it is essential for reproduction.
Yamazaki D, Miyata H, Funato Y, Fujihara Y, Ikawa M, Miki H.
J Cell Sci. 2016 May 1;129(9):1940-9.
- Resveratrol Enhances Apoptosis in Endometriotic Stromal Cells.
Taguchi A, Koga K, Kawana K, Makabe T, Sue F, Miyashita M, Yoshida M, Urata Y, Izumi G, Takamura M, Harada M, Hirata T, Hirota Y, Wada-Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Am J Reprod Immunol. 2016 Apr;75(4):486-92.
- Behavior of Mouse Spermatozoa in the Female Reproductive Tract from Soon after Mating to the Beginning of Fertilization.
Muro Y, Hasuwa H, Isotani A, Miyata H, Yamagata K, Ikawa M, Yanagimachi R, Okabe M.
Biol Reprod. 2016 Apr;94(4):80.
- Fertilization defects in sperm from Cysteine-rich secretory protein 2 (Crisp2) knockout mice: Implications for fertility disorders.
Brukman NG, Miyata H, Torres P, Lombardo D, Caramelo JJ, Ikawa M, Da Ros VG, Cuasnicú PS.
Mol Hum Reprod. 2016 Apr;22(4):240-51.
- Dazl is a target RNA suppressed by mammalian NANOS2 in sexually differentiating male germ cells.
Kato Y, Katsuki T, Kokubo H, Masuda A, Saga Y.
Nat Commun. 2016 Apr 13;7:11272.
- Loss of MAX results in meiotic entry in mouse embryonic and germline stem cells
Suzuki A, Hirasaki M, Hishida T, Wu J, Okamura D, Ueda A, Nishimoto M, Nakachi Y, Mizuno Y, Okazaki Y, Matsui Y, Izpisua Belmonte JC, Okuda A.
Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 30;7:11056.
- De novo DNA methylation drives 5hmC accumulation in mouse zygotes.
Amouroux R, Nashun B, Shirane K, Nakagawa S, Hill PW, D'Souza Z, Nakayama M, Matsuda M, Turp A, Ndjetehe E, Encheva V, Kudo NR, Koseki H, Sasaki H, Hajkova P.
Nat Cell Biol. 2016 Feb;18(2):225-33.
- Combined overexpression of Jarid2, Prdm14, Esrrb, and Sall4A dramatically improves efficiency and kinetics of reporgramming to induced pluripotent stem cells.
Iseki H, Nakachi Y, Hishida T, Yamashita-Sugawara Y, Hirasaki M, Ueda A, Tanimoto Y, Iijima S, Yagami K, Takahashi S, Okuda A, Okazaki Y.
Stem Cells 2016 Feb;34(2):322-33.
- Characterization of gene expression in mouse embryos at the 1-cell stage.
Yamamoto, R., Abe, K., Suzuki, Y., Suzuki, M.G, Aoki, F.
J. Reprod. Dev. 2016 Feb 20; 62: 87-92.
- Long-term ex vivo maintenance of testis tissues producing fertile sperm in a microfluidic device.
Komeya M, Kimura H, Nakamura H, Yokonishi T, Sato T, Kojima K, Hayashi K, Katagiri K, Yamanaka H, Sanjo H, Yao M, Kamimura S, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Ogura A, Fujii T, Ogawa T.
Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 19;6:21472.
- Selection of accurate reference genes in mouse trophoblast stem cells for reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction.
Motomura K, Inoue K, Ogura A.
J Reprod Dev. 2016 Jun 17;62(3):311-5.
- Analysis of chromatin structure in mouse preimplantation embryos by fluorescent recovery after photobleaching.
Ooga M, Fulka H, Hashimoto S, Suzuki M.G, Aoki F.
Epigenetics 2016 Jan 2; 11(1): 85-94.
- Dead end1 is an essential partner of NANOS2 for selective binding of target RNAs in male germ cell development.
Suzuki A, Niimi Y, Shinmyozu K, Zhou Z, Kiso M, Saga Y.
EMBO Rep. 2016 Jan;17(1):37-46.
- Lentiviral Vector Mediated Complementation Restored Fetal Viability but Not Placental hyperplasia in Plac1-Deficient Mice.
Muto M, Fujihara Y, Tobita T, Kiyozumi D, Ikawa M.
Biol Reprod. 2016 Jan;94(1):6.
- Enrichment of mouse spermatogonial stem cells by the stem cell dye CDy1.
Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Morimoto H, Shinohara T.
Biol. Reprod. 2016 Jan; 94(1):13.
- High-yield superovulation in adult mice by anti-inhibin serum treatment combined with estrous cycle synchronization.
Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Inoue H, Noda Y, Endo T, Watanabe G, Ogura A.
Biol Reprod. 2016 Jan;94(1):21.
- Pluripotent cell derivation from male germline cells by suppression of Dmrt1 and Trp53.
Tanaka T, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Hirose M, Ogura A, Shinohara T.
J. Reprod. Dev. 2015; 61(5):473-84.
- The CDKN1B-RB1-E2F1 pathway protects mouse spermatogonial stem cells from genomic damage.
Tanaka T, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Shinohara T.
J. Reprod. Dev. 2015; 61(4):305-16.
- Simultaneous Detection and Evaluation of Four Subsets of CD4+ T Lymphocyte in Lesions and Peripheral Blood in Endometriosis.
Takamura M, Koga K, Izumi G, Hirata T, Harada M, Hirota Y, Hiraike O, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Am J Reprod Immunol. 2015 Dec;74(6):480-6.
- Naïve-like conversion enhances the difference in innate in vitro differentiation capacity between rabbit ES cells and iPS cells.
Honsho K, Hirose M, Hatori, Yasmin L, Izu H, Matoba S, Togayachi S, Miyoshi H, Sankai T, Ogura A, Honda A.
J Reprod Dev. 2015;61(1):13-9.
- The oncogenic role of GASC1 in chemically induced mouse skin cancer.
Ozaki Y, Fujiwara K, Ikeda M, Ozaki T, Terui T, Soma M, Inazawa J, Nagase H.
Mammalian Genome. 2015 Dec; 26(11-12):591-7.
- In quest of genomic treasure.
Inoue K, Ogura A.
J Reprod Dev. 2015;61(6):489-93.
- Global DNA hypomethylation coupled to cellular transformation and metastatic ability.
Funaki S, Nakamura T, Nakatani T, Umehara H, Nakashima H, Okumura M, Oboki K, Matsumoto K, Saito H, Nakano T.
FEBS lett. 2015 Dec 21;589: 4053-60.
- The Constrained Maximal Expression Level Owing to Haploidy Shapes Gene Content on the Mammalian X Chromosome.
Hurst LD, Ghanbarian AT, Forrest AR; FANTOM consortium, Huminiecki L.
PLoS Biol. 2015 Dec 18;13(12):e1002315.
- Application of Gene Expression Trajectories Initiated from ErbB Receptor Activation Highlights the Dynamics of Divergent Promoter Usage.
Carbajo D, Magi S, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Arner E, Forrest AR, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y, Daub CO; FANTOM consortium, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Mar JC.
PLoS One. 2015 Dec 14;10(12):e0144176.
- A role of TMEM16E carrying a scrambling domain in sperm motility.
Gyobu S, Miyata H, Ikawa M, Yamazaki D, Takeshima H, Suzuki J, Nagata S.
Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Dec 14;36(4):645-59.
- Elf5-centered transcription factor hub controls trophoblast stem cell self-renewal and differentiation through stoichiometry-sensitive shifts in target gene networks.
Latos PA, Sienerth AR, Murray A, Senner CE, Muto M, Ikawa M, Oxley D, Burge S, Cox BJ, Hemberger M.
Genes Dev. 2015 Dec 1;29(23):2435-48.
- De novo DNA methylation through the 5'-segment of the H19 ICR maintains its imprint during early embryogenesis.
Matsuzaki H, Okamura E, Takahashi T, Ushiki A, Nakamura T, Nakano T, Hata K, Fukamizu A, Tanimoto K.
Development. 2015 Nov 15;142(22):3833-44.
- Histone chaperone CAF-1 mediates repressive histone modifications to protect preimplantation mouse embryos from endogenous retrotransposons.
Hatanaka Y, Inoue K, Oikawa M, Kamimura S, Ogonuki N, Kodama EN, Ohkawa Y, Tsukada Y, Ogura A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Nov 24;112(47):14641-6.
- Sperm Postacrosomal WW Domain-Binding Protein Is Not Required for Mouse Egg Activation.
Satouh Y, Nozawa K, Ikawa M.
Biol Reprod. 2015 Oct;93(4):94.
- Evidence of the activation of unfolded protein response in granulosa and cumulus cells during follicular growth and maturation.
Harada M, Nose E, Takahashi N, Hirota Y, Hirata T, Yoshino O, Koga K, Fujii T, Osuga Y.
Gynecol Endocrinol. 2015 Oct;31(10):783-7.
- Maternal TET3 is dispensable for embryonic development but is required for neonatal growth.
Tsukada Y, Akiyama T, Nakayama KI.
Sci Rep. 2015 Oct 28;5:15876.
- Sperm calcineurin inhibition prevents mouse fertility with implications for male contraceptive.
Miyata H, Satouh Y, Mashiko D, Muto M, Nozawa K, Shiba K, Fujihara Y, Isotani A, Inaba K, Ikawa M.
Science. 2015 Oct 23;350(6259):442-5.
- CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Rapid Generation of Multiple Mouse Lines Identified Ccdc63 as Essential for Spermiogenesis.
Young SA, Miyata H, Satouh Y, Kato H, Nozawa K, Isotani A, Aitken RJ, Baker MA, Ikawa M.
Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Oct 16;16(10):24732-24750.
- Silencing of RUNX2 enhances gemcitabine sensitivity of p53-deficient human pancreatic cancer AsPC-1 cells through the stimulation of TAp63-mediated cell death.
Ozaki T, Sugimoto H, Nakamura M, Yoda H, Hiraoka K, Shinohara K, Sang M, Fujiwara K, Shimozato O and Nagase H.
Cell Death Dis. 2015 Oct 15;6:e1914.
- Selective Targeting of the KRAS Codon 12 Mutation Sequence by Pyrrole-Imidazole Polyamide seco-CBI Conjugates.
Taylor RD, Chandran A, Kashiwazaki G, Hashiya K, Bando T, Nagase H and Sugiyama H.
Chemistry. 2015 Oct 12;21(42):14996-5003.
- Stella controls chromocenter formation through regulation of Daxx expression in 2-cell embryos.
Arakawa T, Nakatani T, Oda M, Kimura Y, Sekita Y, Kimura T, Nakamura T, Nakano T.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Oct 9;466(1):60-5.
- PRDM14 maintains pluripotency of embryonic stem cells through TET-mediated active DNA demethylation.
Okashita N, Sakashita N, Ito K, Mitsuya A, Suwa Y, Seki Y.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 2015 Oct 9; 466(1):138-45.
- A Niche for GFRα1-positive spermatogonia in the Terminal Segments of the Seminiferous Tubules in Hamster Testes.
Aiyama Y, Tsunekawa N, Kishi K, Kawasumi M, Suzuki H, Kanai-Azuma M, Kurohmaru M, Kanai Y.
Stem Cells. 2015 Sep;33(9):2811-24.
- Calreticulin is required for development of the cumulus oocyte complex and female fertility.
Tokuhiro K, Satouh Y, Nozawa K, Isotani A, Fujihara Y, Hirashima Y, Matsumura H, Takumi K, Miyano T, Okabe M, Benham AM, Ikawa M.
Sci Rep. 2015 Sep 21;5:14254.
- Functional analysis of sex-determination genes by gene silencing with LNA-DNA gapmers in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.
Sakai H, Sakaguchi H, Aoki F, Suzuki M.G.
Mech. Dev. 2015 Aug; 137: 45-52.
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Microdroplet In Vitro Fertilization Can Reduce the Number of Spermatozoa Necessary for Fertilizing Oocytes.
Hasegawa A, Mochida K, Tomishima T, Inoue K, Ogura A.
J Reprod Dev. 2014;60(3):187-93. -
RNA sequencing-based identification of aberrant imprinting in cloned mice.
Okae H, Matoba S, Nagashima T, Mizutani E, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Chiba H, Funayama R, Tanaka S, Yaegashi N, Nakayama K, Sasaki H, Ogura A, Arima T.
Hum Mol Genet. 2014 Feb 15;23(4):992-1001. -
Liver-Specific γ-Glutamyl Carboxylase-Deficient Mice Display Bleeding Diathesis and Short Life Span.
Azuma K, Tsukui T, Ikeda K, Shiba S, Nakagawa K, Okano T, Urano T, Horie-Inoue K, Ouchi Y, Ikawa M, Inoue S.
PLoS One. 2014 Feb 10;9(2):e88643. -
Histone variants enriched in oocytes enhance reprogramming to induced pluripotent stem cells.
Shinagawa T, Takagi T, Tsukamoto D, Tomaru C, Huynh LM, Sivaraman P, Kumarevel T, Inoue K, Nakato R, Katou Y, Sado T, Takahashi S, Ogura A, Shirahige K, Ishii S.
Cell Stem Cell. 2014 Feb 6;14(2):217-27. -
Understanding the X chromosome inactivation cycle in mice: a comprehensive view provided by nuclear transfer.
Oikawa M, Inoue K, Shiura H, Matoba S, Kamimura S, Hirose M, Mekada K, Yoshiki A, Tanaka S, Abe K, Ishino F, Ogura A.
Epigenetics. 2014 Feb 1;9(2):204-11. -
A heterozygous mutation of GALNTL5 affects male infertility with impairment of sperm motility.
Takasaki N, Tachibana K, Ogasawara S, Matsuzaki H, Hagiuda J, Ishikawa H, Mochida K, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Ogura A, Noce T, Ito C, Toshimori K, Narimatsu H.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Jan 21;111(3):1120-5. -
Active DNA demethylation is required for complete imprint erasure in primordial germ cells.
Kawasaki Y, Lee J, Matsuzawa A, Kohda T, Kaneko-Ishino T, Ishino F.
Sci Rep. 2014 Jan 13;4:3658. -
Feasibility for a large scale mouse mutagenesis by injecting CRISPR/Cas plasmid into zygotes.
Mashiko D, Young SA, Muto M, Kato H, Nozawa K, Ogawa M, Noda T, Kim YJ, Satouh Y, Fujihara Y, Ikawa M.
Dev Growth Differ. 2014 Jan;56(1):122-9. -
NANOS2 promotes male germ cell development independent of meiosis suppression.
Saba R, Kato Y, Saga Y.
Dev Biol. 2014 Jan 1;385(1):32-40. -
Effect of isolated AMP deaminase deficiency on skeletal muscle function.
Chenga j, Morisaki H, Sugimoto N, Dohi A, Shintani T, Kimura E, Toyama K, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Higuchi I, Matsuo S, Kawai Y, Hisatome I, Sugama T, Holmes E. W. , Morisaki T.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports 2014;1:51-9
Enrichment of mouse spermatogonial stem cells based on aldehyde dehydrogenase activity.
Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Mori Y, Shinohara T.
Biol Reprod 2013 Dec;89(6):140. -
Generation of mutant mice by pronuclear injection of circular plasmid expressing Cas9 and single guided RNA.
Mashiko D, Fujihara Y, Satouh Y, Miyata H, Isotani A, Ikawa M.
Sci Rep. 2013 Nov 27;3:3355. -
MEK/ERK signaling directly and indirectly contributes to the cyclical self-renewal of spermatogonial stem cells.
Hasegawa K, Namekawa SH, Saga Y.
Stem Cells. 2013 Nov;31(11):2517-27. -
Somatic donor cell type correlates with embryonic, but not extra-embryonic, gene expression in postimplantation cloned embryos.
Hirasawa R, Matoba S, Inoue K, Ogura A.
PLoS One. 2013 Oct 16;8(10):e76422. -
Tudor domain containing 12 (TDRD12) is essential for secondary PIWI interacting RNA biogenesis in mice.
Pandey RR, Tokuzawa Y, Yang Z, Hayashi E, Ichisaka T, Kajita S, Asano Y, Kunieda T, Sachidanandam R, Chuma S, Yamanaka S, Pillai RS.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 8;110(41):16492-7 -
Identification of the KDM2/7 Histone Lysine Demethylase Subfamily Inhibitor and its Antiproliferative Activity.
Suzuki, T., Ozasa, H., Itoh, Y., Zhan, P., Sawada, H., Mino, K., Walport, L., Ohkubo, R., Kawamura, A., Yonezawa, M., Tsukada, Y., Tumber, A., Nakagawa, H., Hasegawa, M., Sasaki, R., Mizukami, T., Schofield, C., Miyata, N.
J. Med. Chem., 2013 Sep 26;56(18):7222-31. - Regulation of pluripotency in male germline stem cells by Dmrt1.
Takashima S, Hirose M, Ogonuki N, Ebisuya M, Inoue K, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Tanaka T, Nishida E, Ogura A, Shinohara T.
Genes Dev. 2013 Sep 15;27(18):1949-58. -
Epigenetic regulation of mouse sex determination by the histone demethylase Jmjd1a.
Kuroki S, Matoba S, Akiyoshi M, Matsumura Y, Miyachi H, Mise N, Abe K, Ogura A, Wilhelm D, Koopman P, Nozaki M, Kanai Y, Shinkai Y, Tachibana M.
Science. 2013 Sep 6;341(6150):1106-9. -
Naive-like conversion overcomes the limited differentiation capacity of induced pluripotent stem cells.
Honda A, Hatori M, Hirose M, Honda C, Izu H, Inoue K, Hirasawa R, Matoba S, Togayachi S, Miyoshi H, Ogura A.
J Biol Chem. 2013 Sep 6;288(36):26157-66. -
The nuage mediates retrotransposon silencing in mouse primordial ovarian follicles.
Lim AK, Lorthongpanich C, Chew TG, Tan CW, Shue YT, Balu S, Gounko N, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Matzuk MM, Chuma S, Messerschmidt DM, Solter D, Knowles BB.
Development. 2013 Sep;140(18):3819-25 -
The Arf GAP SMAP2 is necessary for organized vesicle budding from the trans-Golgi network and subsequent acrosome formation in spermiogenesis.
Funaki T, Kon S, Tanabe K, Natsume W, Sato S, Shimizu T, Yoshida N, Wong WF, Ogura A, Ogawa T, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Miki H, Mochida K, Endoh K, Yomogida K, Fukumoto M, Horai R, Iwakura Y, Ito C, Toshimori K, Watanabe T, Satake M.
Mol Biol Cell. 2013 Sep;24(17):2633-44. -
Targeted disruption of fad24, a regulator of adipogenesis, causes pre-implantation embryonic lethality due to the growth defect at the blastocyst stage.
Ochiai N, Nishizuka M, Miyamoto T, Miyoshi I, Ikawa M, Osada S, Imagawa M.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 23;438(2):301-5. -
Establishment of mouse model of MYH9 disorders: heterozygous R702C mutation provokes macrothrombocytopenia with leukocyte inclusion bodies, renal glomerulosclerosis and hearing disability.
Suzuki N, Kunishima S, Ikejiri M, Maruyama S, Sone M, Takagi A, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Kojima T, Saito H, Naoe T, Matsushita T.
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 20;8(8):e71187. -
Macrophage MHC and T-cell receptors essential for rejection of allografted skin and lymphoma.
Tashiro-Yamaji J, Maeda S, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Kubota T, Yoshida R.
Transplantation. 2013 Aug 15;96(3):251-7. - DmGTSF1 is necessary for Piwi-piRISC-mediated transcriptional transposon silencing in the Drosophila ovary.
Ohtani H, Iwasaki YW, Shibuya A, Siomi H, Siomi MC, Saito K.
Genes Dev. 2013 Aug 1;27(15):1656-61. -
Mouse cloning using a drop of peripheral blood.
Kamimura S, Inoue K, Ogonuki N, Hirose M, Oikawa M, Yo M, Ohara O, Miyoshi H, Ogura A.
Biol Reprod. 2013 Aug 1;89(2):24. -
Molecular dissection of IZUMO1, a sperm protein essential for sperm-egg fusion.
Inoue N, Hamada D, Kamikubo H, Hirata K, Kataoka M, Yamamoto M, Ikawa M, Okabe M and Hagihara Y.
Development.2013 Aug;140(15):3221-9. -
Mice stage-specific claudin 3 expression regulates progression of meiosis in early stage spermatocytes.
Chihara M, Ikebuchi R, Otsuka S, Ichii O, Hashimoto Y, Suzuki A, Saga Y, Kon Y.
Biol Reprod. 2013 Jul 5;89(1):3. -
MiR-200b and miR-429 Function in Mouse Ovulation and Are Essential for Female Fertility.
Hasuwa H, Ueda J, Ikawa M, Okabe M.
Science. 2013 Jul 5;341(6141):71-3. -
Generation of a novel germline stem cell line expressing a germline-specific reporter in the mouse.
Shiura H, Ikeda R, Lee J, Sato T, Ogonuki N, Hirose M, Ogura A, Ogawa T, Abe K.
Genesis. 2013 Jul;51(7):498-505. -
t-SNARE Syntaxin2 (STX2) is implicated in intracellular transport of sulfoglycolipids during meiotic prophase in mouse spermatogenesis.
Fujiwara Y, Ogonuki N, Inoue K, Ogura A, Handel MA, Noguchi J, Kunieda T.
Biol Reprod. 2013 Jun 6;88(6):141. - ROS are required for mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal.
Morimoto H, Iwata K, Ogonuki N, Inoue K, Atsuo O, Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Morimoto T, Yabe-Nishimura C, Shinohara T.
Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Jun 6;12(6):774-86. -
Recruitment of cyclin G2 to promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies promotes dephosphorylation of γH2AX following treatment with ionizing radiation.
Naito Y, Yabuta N, Sato J, Ohno S, Sakata M, Kasama T, Ikawa M, Nojima H.
Cell Cycle. 2013 Jun 1;12(11):1773-84. -
GPAT2, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein, in piRNA biogenesis in germline stem cells.
Shiromoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Daiba A, Chuma S, Katanaya A, Katsumata A, Nishimura K, Ohtaka M, Nakanishi M, Nakamura T, Yoshinaga K, Asada N, Nakamura S, Yasunaga T, Kojima-Kita K, Itou D, Kimura T, Nakano T.
RNA. 2013 Jun;19(6):803-10 -
Expression of TEX101, regulated by ACE, is essential for the production of fertile mouse spermatozoa.
Fujihara Y, Tokuhiro K, Muro Y, Kondoh G, Araki Y, Ikawa M, Okabe M.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 14;110(20):8111-6. -
Effects of dppa3 on DNA methylation dynamics during primordial germ cell development in mice.
Nakashima H, Kimura T, Kaga Y, Nakatani T, Seki Y, Nakamura T, Nakano T.
Biol Reprod. 2013 May 23;88(5):125 -
RNAi-mediated knockdown of Xist does not rescue the impaired development of female cloned mouse embryos.
Oikawa M, Matoba S, Inoue K, Kamimura S, Hirose M, Ogonuki N, Shiura H, Sugimoto M, Abe K, Ishino F, Ogura A.
J Reprod Dev. 2013;59(3):231-7.
Review/Book 2016 2015 2014 2013
For Original Articles, please click
Nucleolus Precursor Bodies and Ribosome Biogenesis in Early Mammalian Embryos: Old Theories and New Discoveries.
Fulka H, Aoki F.
Biol Reprod. 2016 Jun;94(6):143. -
A New, Dynamic Era for Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer?
Loi P, Iuso D, Czernik M, Ogura A.
Trends Biotechnol. 2016 Apr 22.[Epub ahead of print] -
GPI-AP release in cellular, developmental, and reproductive biology.
Fujihara Y, Ikawa M.
Lipid Res. 2016 Apr;57(4):538-45. -
Epigenetics of sex determination in mammals
Tachibana M.
Reproductive Medicine and Biology 2016 Apr;15:59-67
Stella and Zygotic Reprogramming
Nakamura T, Nakano T.
In "Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cellular Reprogramming", Epigenetics and Human Health series, Springer 2015;31-42 -
How does Progesterone Support Embryo Implantation?
Hiraoka T, Saito-Fujita T, Hirota Y.
J Mamm Ova Res 2015 Oct;32: 87-94 -
From Sex Determination to Initial Folliculogenesis in Mammalian Ovaries: Morphogenetic Waves along the Anteroposterior and Dorsoventral Axes.
Suzuki H, Kanai-Azuma M, Kanai Y.
Sex Dev. 2015;9(4);190-204. -
Epigenetic alterations in sperm associated with male infertility.
Kitamura A, Miyauchi N, Hamada H, Hiura H, Chiba H, Okae H, Sato A, John RM, Arima T.
Congenit Anom. 2015 Aug;55(3):133-44. -
Advantages of using the CRISPR/Cas9 system of genome editing to investigate male reproductive mechanisms using mouse models.
Young SA, Aitken RJ, Ikawa M.
Asian J Androl. 2015 Jul-Aug;17(4):623-7. -
Epigenetic regulation of mammalian sex determination.
Tachibana M.
J Med Invest. 2015;62(1-2):19-23.
Imprinting methylation errors in ART
Hiura H, Okae H, Chiba H, Miyauchi N, Sato F, Sato A, Arima T.
Reprod Med Biol. 2014;13(4):193-202 -
piRNA clusters and open chromatin structure.
Yamanaka S, Siomi MC, Siomi H.
Mob DNA. 2014;5:22 -
RNAi and overexpression of genes in ovarian somatic cells.
Saito K.
Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1093:25-33 -
Genome Editing in Mice Using CRISPR/Cas. Targeted Genome Editing Using Site-Specific Nucleases
Young S, Baker M, Ikawa M.
Springer Japan 2014;151-166 -
CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing in mice by single plasmid injection.
Fujihara Y, Ikawa M.
Methods Enzymol. 2014;546:319-36 -
RNAi and overexpression of genes in ovarian somatic cells.
Saito K.
Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1093:25-33.
Embryo manipulation via assisted reproductive technology and epigenetic asymmetry in mammalian early development.
Kohda T, Ishino F.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2013;368(1609):20120353 -
Symposium in honor of Ralph L. Brinster celebrating 50 years of scientific breakthroughs.
Behringer RR, Shinohara T.
Int J Dev Biol. 2013;57(5):333-9 - Spermatogonial Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Development.
Kanatsu-Shinohara M, Shinohara T.
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2013 Oct 6;29:163-187. -
The discovery of histone demethylases.
Shi, Y., Tsukada, Y.
Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2013 Sep 1;5(9). pii: a017947. -
Effects of embryonic manipulation and epigenetics.
Kohda T.
J Hum Genet. 2013 Jul;58(7):416-20. -
The epigenetic regulation of transposable elements by PIWI-interacting RNAs in Drosophila.
Saito K.
Genes Genet Syst. 2013;88(1):9-17. -
Clone-specific X-linked gene repression caused by ectopic Xist transcripts from the active X chromosome.
Ogura A, Inoue K.
Principles of Cloning, 2nd Edition, 2013: 161-172, Jose Cibelli et al., ed., Elsevier